Monday, January 9, 2023

glock 27 specs

Glock 27 Specs - I have a 9mm sig P 938, the trigger pull is terrible and I personally am not very accurate about it. I also have a 2 sig p 238 in 380 auto and the gun is nice but not very accurate. The frame is also a bit thin so my hands are tired after 100 rounds at this distance. The Glock 27 is the first better choice. It's close to the size of the p938 so it's very compact. 2nd is 40 cal, not 9mm, 3rd 9+1 vs 6+1 magazine 4th, I can use my 15 preloaded magazines at home so I don't waste time reloading. Best of all this gun is very accurate at 7 yards, I can fire 15 rounds into a 3 inch circle, plus after 100 shots without fatigue. I bought a Glock G 27 Gen 3.

Light, easy to hide. Recommend the extended magazine for my little finger, as my ring gets tired after the fourth magazine. It might be less tiring with the gen 4 w/+4 handle, which is my next investment.

Glock 27 Specs

Glock 27 Specs

As a retired LEO, I have owned several guns (mostly Glocks). This is my all time favorite gun for concealed carry. .40 caliber gets the job done and the pistol fires consistently. I have shot SMJ and Hallow points through it with no problems. At the range, this little gun outshoots my more expensive Kimber 1911.45. What I mean here is that my Kimber really has a problem with feed jamming. The manual safety element is so close to the handle that any thumb that accidentally touches it will accidentally touch the safety part. These problems lead to errors when shooting a very fast bullet. Meanwhile, my Glock 27 has never jammed or broken in a live fire situation. I can keep shooting while other people are busy solving their problems with other guns. I trusted this gun with my life! That's something I can't really say about many other guns!

Glock 17 Mos Gen4

The Crimson Trace held the G. 27 and fired a 2" group of Hornady Critical Defense mines at 7 yards.

I bought a GLOCK 27 to take with me on missions. Since this is a small gun with 40 nail punches, you can definitely feel the recoil. With practice and repetition, recoil can be overcome. I installed a small SIG Romeo RDS on my G27 and found it very easy to re-aim after each shot. From my own experience with this gun, I recommend this setup if you have trouble managing recoil (hitting the target due to recoil). For me this gun is perfect for melee applications (self-defense situations) with just aiming and firing, but if there is some distance between me and the target, the red dot when engaging the target in stressful situations. Will definitely be useful. Other than that, it's a great gun.

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